Dona Maria, a Timucua Indian woman, was chief of
Nombre de Dios, a Spanish Franciscan mission town in Florida. 6 years later she inherited the position of chief of San Pedro
de Mocama on Cumberland Island, Georgia.
There was a slave revolt in New York City. A slave
insurrection in New York City was suppressed by the militia and ended with the execution of 21 blacks
In the US presidential elections Thomas Jefferson
and Aaron Burr tied in electoral votes. The selection was then moved to the House of Representatives where on the 36th ballot
Vermont and Maryland switch their votes to Jefferson
June 6
1944 D-Day
On this day in 1944, Supreme Allied Commander General Dwight D. Eisenhower gives the go-ahead for largest amphibious military
operation in history: Operation Overlord, code named D-Day, the Allied invasion of northern France.
By daybreak, 18,000 British and American parachutists were already on the ground. At 6:30 a.m., American troops came ashore
at Utah and Omaha beaches. At Omaha, the U.S. First Division battled high seas, mist, mines, burning vehicles-and German coastal
batteries, including an elite infantry division, which spewed heavy fire. Many wounded Americans ultimately drowned in the
high tide. British divisions, which landed at Gold, Juno, and Sword beaches, and Canadian troops also met with heavy German
fire, but by the end of the day they were able to push inland.
Despite the German resistance, Allied casualties overall were relatively light. The United States and Britain each lost
about 1,000 men, and Canada 355. Before the day was over, 155,000 Allied troops would be in Normandy. However, the United
States managed to get only half of the 14,000 vehicles and a quarter of the 14,500 tons of supplies they intended on shore.
Three factors were decisive in the success of the Allied invasion. First, German counterattacks were firm but sparse, enabling
the Allies to create a broad bridgehead, or advanced position, from which they were able to build up enormous troop strength.
Second, Allied air cover, which destroyed bridges over the Seine, forced the Germans to suffer long detours, and naval gunfire
proved decisive in protecting the invasion troops. And third, division and confusion within the German ranks as to where the
invasion would start and how best to defend their position helped the Allies. (Hitler, convinced another invasion was coming
the next day east of the Seine River, refused to allow reserves to be pulled from that area.)
Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, commander of Britain's Twenty-first Army Group (but under the overall command of General
Eisenhower, for whom Montgomery, and his ego, proved a perennial thorn in the side), often claimed later that the invasion
had come off exactly as planned. That was a boast, as evidenced by the failure to take Caen on the first day, as scheduled.
While the operation was a decided success, considering the number of troops put ashore and light casualties, improvisation
by courageous and quick-witted commanders also played an enormous role.
Manifest Destiny
The 1840s were years of extraordinary territorial growth for the
united States. During a four year period, the national domain increased by 1.2 million square miles, a gain of more than sixty
percent. So rapid and dramatic was the process of territorial expansion, that it came to be seen as an inexorable process,
prompting many Americans to insist that their nation had a "manifest destiny" to dominate the continent.